

by Vince Chafin, Flying in to Rapid City SD I see a dusting of snow sprinkled across the barren landscape. In my minds eye I can see them, millions of Buffalo that roamed freely over this plain before us, the wasi’chu’s, (the whites), flooded in and wiped the landscape of its wildness. Its a familiar vision for me as I have been to the Pine Ridge reservation a few times before. That name is not a mistake either, “Reservation”, the act...

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Circles, Triangles, and Squares

Circles, Triangles, and Squares

Understanding why it is essential to create culturally relevant events for different demographic groups, for different ‘kinds’ of people, is often hard to explain. A New Warrior in the Los Angeles Area, Christopher (Magnificent Jaguar) O’Dell partnered with Illustrator Christina T. Epley to show us why it’s important. Seeing this, I wonder what shapes MKP will continue to evolve into. The ManKind Project has...

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Winter Wood Fund #StandWithStandingRock

Winter Wood Fund #StandWithStandingRock

EDITOR’S NOTE: Numerous ManKind Project men have been on the ground at #StandingRock in support of the water-protectors. Several truck loads of supplies have been collected and brought to the camp from MKP men and significant funds have been sent to help with immediate needs. In the New England community, an I-Group stepped up to support by sourcing and purchasing firewood (inspected and permitted) from a nearby state to be...

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MKP Men Take Action and Stand with  Standing Rock in a Good Way

MKP Men Take Action and Stand with Standing Rock in a Good Way

by Ryan Gatling  Greetings to all my New Warrior Brothers – This is a call to action, a call to service, a call to protection of the Realm, the world, the Earth Mother and perhaps the soul of this nation. Men of vision and purpose, integrity and power, compassion and passion … Listen! As you are all aware, for more than two centuries, the Native people of this land have long been marginalized, they have seen their welfare...

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What Are You Afraid Of? Remember It’s A Choice.

What Are You Afraid Of? Remember It’s A Choice.

by Randall Rogers, Reprinted with Permission I’ll tell you now, before you’re in too deep, there’s genuine ugliness in this article. I am writing for myself, and, to paint a picture of growing up in innocent Minneapolis, Minnesota in the 60’s. A place that according to Governor Dayton, this past week, “might have to accept that there still is ‘racism’.” I was raised by a man who was a...

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How to Support Our LGBTQ+ Brothers & Sisters

by Rick Broniec My Brothers & Sisters, As a straight man, and MKP-USA’s Multicultural/Intercultural Rep, I am writing this as an ally to my GBTQ Brothers and to my straight Brothers. [Between a minor surgery (I’m just fine, thanks!) and other responsibilities, I have not been able to respond until now.] First, to my GBTQ Brothers: David, Robert, Walt, Dennis N., Frank, Jeff, Greg- and so many others- I love you.  I am...

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