Creating Candor: blog post by Alain Hunkins

Creating Candor: blog post by Alain Hunkins

Editor’s Note: by Gonzalo SalinasThe Oxford Dictionary defines the word candor like this: candor Syllabification: (can·dor)  Pronunciation: /ˈkandər, -ˌdôr/ noun : The quality of being open and honest in expression; frankness: a man of refreshing candor I just found another way to explain that word: In this family story, simple and tender, Alain Hunkins brings a new meaning to that word and how to apply it on our daily lives. I...

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Waiting for the Blessing of My Father

Waiting for the Blessing of My Father

By Gonzalo Salinas In October it will be ten years since I’ve seen my father. I remember clearly the last time I saw him. We were at the National Airport in Lima. Let me back-track. The flight to Miami was at 8 pm. For international flights, you are supposed to check in three hours in advance or risk missing the flight. I was at home, waiting for my father to say goodbye at 6 pm. Still a fifteen minute drive away from the...

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To all my MKP Brothers, Especially the Straight Ones

To all my MKP Brothers, Especially the Straight Ones

by Edmond Manning To All My MKP Brothers, Especially The Straight Ones I had a tooth brush in my mouth and was contemplating sleep when my overnight guest, a straight man, said to me, “I have a real problem with gay men.” As a gay man, hearing this statement from a guest in my own home was not exactly comforting. Was this the beginning of an ugly conflict? What hard words might come out next? I should back up. Eight years ago,...

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Everything is Happening, All the Time

Everything is Happening, All the Time

In the wake of tragedy. Masculinity, Culture, and Transformation by Boysen Hodgson The world is not a safe place. It never has been. I bet my life it never will be. Shadow and Light. Order and Entropy. The question, for me, is what is the QUALITY of this risky world? How am I co-creating it? What are the feelings I want to be nurturing in myself and others, even as the world continues to spin and the universe unwinds in its chaotic...

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The ManKind Project and Robert Bly

The ManKind Project and Robert Bly

by Boysen Hodgson Right now, filmmaker Haydn Reiss is working on a documentary film about Bly’s life and career called “News of the Universe.” In the film, one of the things Reiss will do is look at some of the myths about Bly and the ‘men’s movement.’ He also has a great interview with John Densmore, the well known drummer from the 1960’s band The Doors, to talk about an oft misaligned ‘tool’ of men’s gatherings, the drum. Reiss has...

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For Julian – 20 Things I Wish I’d Known at Age Sixteen

For Julian – 20 Things I Wish I’d Known at Age Sixteen

As Father’s Day approaches, those of us who are fathers may remember advice we gave as a parent. All of us may remember what advice we got from our own dads. Some of us may also recall pieces of advice we wish we’d paid more attention to at the time. Dr. Charles Maclean sends us this ‘wisdom list’ that he wishes in retrospect he’d heard and followed some years ago, which he dedicates to a neighbor boy who...

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