The tie that binds

The tie that binds

By Tim O’Connor  As a server at a restaurant, my son Corey wears a tie. As a dutiful father, I’ve always provided him with the Dad-Assist Tie. That’s where I tie the tie as if I’m going to wear it, but slip it over my head and give it to him. But the time comes when a 20-year-old son must buy his father a beer in a bar. No wait… the time comes in a young man’s life when he must learn to tie his own damn tie. Recently...

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The World Needs More Elders

The World Needs More Elders

By Donald Clerc What’s the difference between being an Elder and being elderly?  I never really thought about that question until joining the ManKind Project two years ago. I’m 57, have three grown children, one young grandchild, and own my own business.  So I’ve “been around the block” a few times and have learned a thing or two along the way.  But no one had challenged me on what I can do with that experience and wisdom in this...

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McDonald’s Drive-Thru, 8:23am

McDonald’s Drive-Thru, 8:23am

by Wentworth Miller McDonald’s Williams, California December 23, 2013 8:32 AM (approx.) I pull into the drive-thru, empty except for the giant white Suburban ahead of me, coming abreast of the callbox, like a yacht docking. When the window rolls down I can see the driver in his side mirror. Male, bald, mid 30s. The intercom crackles as a McDonald’s employee pitches whatever it is he/she’s been ordered to pitch at the...

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Mission: Just say Yes.

Mission: Just say Yes.

by Stephen Simmer An MIT linguistics professor was lecturing his class. “In English,” he said, “a double negative forms a positive. However, in some languages, such as Russian, a double negative remains a negative. But there isn’t a single language, not one, in which a double positive can express a negative.” A voice from the back of the room piped up, “Yeah, right.” I spend a good portion of...

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Men: From the Inside

Guest post: by Garry Gilfoy I was recently asked to deliver professional development to some therapists on the topic of ‘men’s issues.’ I left my son’s football game to do so and found a gathering of about 60 people. The ten or so men attending were sitting on the periphery of the room. I warmed up by reading a poem called Rain from Nowhere by Murray Hartin. It tells of a man with a young family. We catch him on the day he intends to...

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Creating Candor: blog post by Alain Hunkins

Creating Candor: blog post by Alain Hunkins

Editor’s Note: by Gonzalo SalinasThe Oxford Dictionary defines the word candor like this: candor Syllabification: (can·dor)  Pronunciation: /ˈkandər, -ˌdôr/ noun : The quality of being open and honest in expression; frankness: a man of refreshing candor I just found another way to explain that word: In this family story, simple and tender, Alain Hunkins brings a new meaning to that word and how to apply it on our daily lives. I...

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