The ManKind Project and Robert Bly

The ManKind Project and Robert Bly

by Boysen Hodgson Right now, filmmaker Haydn Reiss is working on a documentary film about Bly’s life and career called “News of the Universe.” In the film, one of the things Reiss will do is look at some of the myths about Bly and the ‘men’s movement.’ He also has a great interview with John Densmore, the well known drummer from the 1960’s band The Doors, to talk about an oft misaligned ‘tool’ of men’s gatherings, the drum. Reiss has...

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Raising Your Vibration

Raising Your Vibration

by Jim Donovan Much of what we are experiencing on the planet now has to do with a push towards exponential human evolution. Though your condition has always been one of consistent change, the time has come for that change to happen more rapidly. As we all know, our reactions to change are often accompanied by resistance. This resistance is your natural defense mechanism designed to keep you safe. The paradox is that to evolve...

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It’s not the End of Men, it’s the End of Forgetting

It’s not the End of Men, it’s the End of Forgetting

A ManKind Project Elder is Murdered, New Warriors across the country mourn the murder of Will Norman, Powerful Bull by Rick Borutta Will Norman was 76. He was a retired principal living in Florida, a father of two, and a volunteer for youth and church groups. He was a member of the I-Group Gulf Coast Warriors. On Thursday, July 5th, his body was found floating in a canal, the apparent victim of a homicide. The two suspects were...

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Honoring an Elder, Michael Meade

Honoring an Elder, Michael Meade

Fatherhood is, ideally, a form of mentor hood. Our Elders are our mentors and, by extension, also our Fathers. G. Kamana Hunter, Mohawk healer, finds that mentoring from an elder is a two way process. by G. Kamana Hunter It would be my first time meeting Michael Meade, a pioneer who’s work has sought to bring viable mentorship back to modern society. By studying the rites of passage and rich myths from many ancient cultures, he...

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Hold on to your nuts, Elders.

Hold on to your nuts, Elders.

by Terry Jones To launch an elder journey can means for many taking a big risk.  The risks include: having confidence in your wisdom, cutting back on travel and play to allow time to serve, celebrating your long life rather than whining about it, trusting that embracing elderhood is not the same as admitting you are an impotent old man, facing the bias toward the aging, doing the personal healing necessary to allow us to be in...

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Amazing lecture by Jacqueline Novogratz

Amazing lecture by Jacqueline Novogratz

I was very inspired by this incredible TED talk by Jacqueline Novogratz. Not only is she a wonderful, heart-open and humble woman deeply in tune with humanity’s challenges, but she has the visionary insight that male depression is related to female suffering. It’s so common today to think that men make women suffer because we […]

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