Feedback Foes Can Be Fruitful
Feedback. It’s the original F word. Not all feedback, mind you. There’s the good kind, and there’s the toxic kind. In its ideal form, feedback is designed to help someone improve. When given with trust and respect, feedback can be heard and acted upon. But when it’s toxic, it can get ugly. Many a […]
Nine things successful people do
It’s been a long week, so I am just going to present this article, from the Harvard Business Review, on Nine Things Successful People Do, in list format, and I encourage you to read more. 1. Get specific. 2. Seize the moment to act on your goals. 3. Know exactly how far you have left […]
Raising Your Vibration
by Jim Donovan Much of what we are experiencing on the planet now has to do with a push towards exponential human evolution. Though your condition has always been one of consistent change, the time has come for that change to happen more rapidly. As we all know, our reactions to change are often accompanied by resistance. This resistance is your natural defense mechanism designed to keep you safe. The paradox is that to evolve...
The Firehose Technique
In yesterday’s US mail, I received 6 offers for new credit cards. You’d think the banks, hotels, and airlines making their pitches would do a better job of coordinating their timing with each other. Each offering had its own selling points: Get 10% cash back for the first 90 days! Sign up and get a […]
Emotions. Empowering men to achieve our own emotional literacy is at the core of our work in the ManKind Project. So it follows that anyone doing research into just exactly what emotions are is someone whose work we will probably want to check out. The video on the page below, Categorizing Emotions, does just that, lending a psychological perspective to emotions as they are perceived in a multicultural context. The MKP Journal is...
Mission as Building Character
In his ongoing articulation of the meaning of Mission, Steve Simmer sends us this. Many years ago, a long-time AA member I knew introduced me to the Shit Fairy. The Shit Fairy is the little voice on my shoulder that fills my ear with shit–bullshit, horseshit, and chicken shit. If I listen to this long enough, it turns my life into shit. What I say is bullshit, what I do is horseshit, and I am a chicken shit–a coward to the...