Why Teaching Your Kids To Do Their Best Isn’t As Easy As It Sounds

Why Teaching Your Kids To Do Their Best Isn’t As Easy As It Sounds

Embed from Getty Images As a parent I want my son to do his very best at everything he tries; not because I think it’ll make him the next super bowl MVP or the next highest-paid endorser for Nike, Reebok or Under Armor; more because it’ll help him achieve whatever he wants out of life – or at least walk away knowing he gave it his all. Asking your child to give it their best sounds pretty simple, right? I mean what’s so hard about...

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How Men Can Find Balance in an Unbalanced World

How Men Can Find Balance in an Unbalanced World

  The wooden sign hanging in my kitchen above the stove reads ‘Take time for what matters most’. Pacing up and down the walkways in the terminal of the Detroit Metropolitan Airport—after my flight’s second delay—isn’t exactly my form of what matters. The longer you know me, the more you’ll hear me say the key to life is finding balance. Well duh. How many millions of times have we heard that? (Just picture yourself on...

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Yeah, Dads Have Bad Days. So What?

Yeah, Dads Have Bad Days. So What?

Embed from Getty Images By Gregory Tapler Being a dad is hard work. What the hell does that even mean? Hard work? A labor of love? A duty? A responsibility? There are times when I talk to my friends when I’m having a hard day being a dad. Often I’m met with ‘Yeah, but they’re really worth it.’ or ‘The joy outweighs the pain.’ or…well, you get the point. Don’t get me wrong, there are days when I’m on the giving end of those catch...

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Aggrieved Entitlement and Evolved Masculinity

Aggrieved Entitlement and Evolved Masculinity

Let’s face it, together. Aggrieved Entitlement is a term I picked up from Michael Kimmel. It is the existential state of fear about having my ‘rightful place’ as a man questioned … challenged … deconstructed. Aggrieved entitlement is being told ‘No’ when the prevailing mythos of the culture has taught that I have a ‘right’ to something because of my birth (as male, as white,...

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Becoming a New Warrior Helped Me Find Music Again – by Jim Donovan

Becoming a New Warrior Helped Me Find Music Again – by Jim Donovan

by Jim Donovan On my way home from Bedford, Indiana, I knew life would never be the same. I had just completed my NWTA Weekend and was making the eight hour drive from southern Indiana to Pittsburgh feeling elated, exhausted and WIDE OPEN. I had just undergone a profound inner transformation that had yet to settle in. It was on this drive that music unexpectedly reappeared after a decade-long absence. I had spent the previous five...

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Don’t Quit – a Message from Dad

Don’t Quit – a Message from Dad

by Gregory Tapler My son is at an age where he likes to (and actually can) play organized sports. We decided to move him towards basketball for a number of reasons and he seems to be enjoying it very much. He’s an only child and when he’s at home playing, he commentates his own games. He changes teams, players and keeps score. It’s really enjoyable as a father to listen to his creativity and spirit. When he plays, he has this...

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