Male Rites of Passage with Nicky Wilks, Episode 54, April 4, 2017
This week on Real Men Feel, Andy Grant and Appio Hunter are joined by the founder of, Nicky Wilks, to talk about the need for rituals, ceremonies and rites of passage for creating better men. Nicky shares his man story, and there is a great discussion around mentorship and initiation.
Journeymen’s vision is to regenerate modern society through the inspiration of young men, and Nicky is indeed inspiring while sharing some of his goals for Journeymen and The Quest they offer teenage boys. A popular theme in Real Men Feel is authenticity, and it is oozing out of Nicky and all that Journeymen is up to.
If you think building compassionate and inspired men through nature-based rites of passage, long-term mentoring, and community engagement is something that is sorely needed, you are going to love this show, Nicky, and Journeymen.
“Mentorship is 95% showing up authentically and 5% choosing to do it again the next time.” ~Nicky Wilks
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Source: Real Men Feel