Break into your heart; a poem

by Paul Goldman

If like a thief in the night, I were to break
into your heart — what would I find there?
Precious gems tucked away beneath velveteen

cloth, ethereal ancestral songs, and deeper still—
a longing to know your own Creator; the one
who through alchemy’s mystery transformed

the very essence of you into a gift golden.

If you broke into mine, what would you find
beneath the layers?  You would find the most
valued treasure of all— yourself enfolded

within the rhythms of each beat by beat
of my own being.

For you see, I have kept you tucked away,
waiting all of these years, just for you
to discover.

Now that you have, I am at peace…

Paul Goldman has been published by such literary sites as,,,, and various midwest literary journals.  His facebook page is called Wild Joy, named for his forthcoming spoken-word CD, Wild Joy Released.

– is a deeply personal issue that everyone decides for himself. Sometimes the price is high, sometimes low. But this is not very important for life. Life is an interesting thing. And the price on Viagra – too.



Author: Editor

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