Getting Personal

Getting Personal

[custom_field field=”laughton” random=”1″ limit=”1″ between=”, ” /] by Geoffrey Laughton A colleague of mine, Lori Grayson, posted on her Facecrack wall yesterday the following: “Did you know that the ancient Greek words for education/culture (paideia), play (paidia), and children (paides) all have the same root? Plato said, ‘You can learn more from an hour of play than from...

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Hiding Out in Oz

Hiding Out in Oz

[custom_field field=”laughton” this_post=”1″ limit=”1″ between=”, ” /] by Geoff Laughton When you are looking at what makes your relationship(s) (oh hell…and life itself) challenging and difficult,  it will help to really examine the power and Modus Operandi of shame. It’s often been called the Master Emotion, and while it may not really be that for you, you sure can count on...

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A report from Oslo in the wake of terror

A report from Oslo in the wake of terror

Hi everyone, As some of you may know, Oslo, Norway is the city I call home. Some days ago, as I am confident you know, Oslo became the target of two acts of terrorism carried out by a deranged young ethnic Norwegian more or less my age. I’ve had some trouble accepting the facts. I […]

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Are You On the Receiving End?

Are You On the Receiving End?

One of the biggest issues that shows up in the couples and individuals I work with, particularly in regards to their relationships, is where they are so challenged to comprehend what it means to receive. When you dig down even further with the issue, it becomes clear that a LOT of people don’t know how […]

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The victim cramp of cultural relativists (and how dropping it could save us all)

The victim cramp of cultural relativists (and how dropping it could save us all)

I read this short article over at the Good Men Project. Something about some right wing Republican talking about African Americans and who said this in an interview: Slavery had a disastrous impact on African-American families, yet sadly a child born into slavery in 1860 was more likely to be raised by his mother and […]

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Groundhog Day

Groundhog Day

REPRINTED WITH PERMISSION from is not associated with the ManKind Project, Inc. Posts from do not necessarily represent the views of the ManKind Project. Click here Groundhog Day is a comedy far outside of the trodden path. The story of Bill Murray’s “Phil” and his journey to free himself from an eternity reliving the same...

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