It’s Not What You Think
Do you ever notice how much time you spend trying to “figure out what’s going on” in your life…and in your relationship, if you’re in one? If it ends up being a fair amount of time, how’s it working for you? When you do get some “answers,” what’s the most common result you get from […]
The Lion King
Today we don’t have any myths to tell our children in the modern world. Fortunately we can rely on the myths that are transmitted through the movies. A good example of a movie that I let my boys watch is Disney’s modern classic The Lion King since it contains many good lesions for a boy […]
Do You Swear To Tell The Truth, The Whole…?
Whether or not you’re currently in a relationship with a lover/partner/spouse, you know that relationships of ALL kinds are a crucial ingredient in what makes life worth living (at least that’s how I look at it). You probably also know that managing a relationship with anyone easily and quickly can turn into seriously tricky business […]
Dancing with Sacred Rhythms
This is probably not new news to you, but the vast majority of how your relationship is going with your partner has a TON to do with how your relationship with YOU is going. On a long-term basis (that is, after “The Honeymoon Period” is over), you’re not likely to be treating your partner and […]
I Hate You, So I Can Love You!…Really?!
A few Saturdays ago, you received a quick email about Mercury Retrograde, essentially warning you that a lot of unusually intense emotions, reactions, circumstances, etc. were like to be busting out all over the place…particularly with loved ones. I told you to not necessarily take anything at face value or have conflicts automatically mean something […]
The terror of young men
About a week prior to the Oslo terror on July 22, I was in a part of town I rarely visit. I was en-route to an exciting adventure at IKEA and was waiting for the bus that would complete my journey. As I was scanning the features of the recently erected mosque there, I noticed […]