Honing Our Integral Edges
by Boysen Hodgson In the ManKind Project, we’re voracious integrators. Our trainings and groups are a tightly mixed alchemical combination of exercises, modalities and practices from across the spectrum of personal growth, psychology, spiritual, ritual and physical practices. Men from different traditions and multiple generations have brought their unique gifts to the ManKind Project and our men’s circles, and men show up...
New Play “Tickets to Manhood” July 14-30, 2011 NYC
SHOW: Tickets to Manhood by James Scruggs WHEN: July 14 – July 30 WHERE: Dixon Place, 161 Chrystie Street, NY, NY 10002 HOW MUCH: $15 in advance, $18 at the door. WHY: a Play about Rites of Passage, Initiation, and Masculinity in the 21st Century. From the Editor: I will be representing the ManKind Project for a talk-back panel discussion after the July 23 performance of Tickets to Manhood. I saw an early reading of this play...
If You Want to Change – Go Deep
by Owen Marcus I, like the rest of us, would much rather do the minimum than work hard. Why do more than you need to? Well, there are times when our mental solutions don’t work. In this post on my blog I write about how the mantra of our groups is – “Take the man deeper” produces a level of change unattainable from any mental technique I have ever seen. We are trained to be smart, to come up with solutions to problems. We compete to...
On Collaborative Mission Work
By Stephen Simmer For it is important that awake people be awake; Or a breaking line may discourage them back to sleep; The signals we give, yes or no, or maybe should be clear; The darkness around us is deep. William Stafford I’d like to open a discussion about collaborative mission work. Maybe it’s an obvious point, but I have a larger point I want to get to. We have all heard the piece about how the universe is all made...
How to Lead with a Broken Heart
By Joseph DiCenso I’m sitting in a circle of thirty-six women and men on the final morning of a three-day conference and I’m crying. Through my choked and wobbly voice I’m trying to name the ache I feel for the state of the world. My grief over the gap between what could be and what is. I speak of the beauty I see; of its growing poignancy the more it becomes threatened. The coral reefs, the pelagic fish. The...
Remembrance; a poem
Philos 18 REMEMBRANCE by Loren Ruh Smith I was reading the Italian poet Pier Paolo Pasolini his writings of the `tradition’ revolutionary poetic tradition that it’s unknown, misunderstood, or forgotten by the revolutionary currents that are just noises in the streets, repetitiously. They’ve always been there, noises in the streets, the tradition reports but the fight goes on without remembrance without remembrance...