Men’s Work is a Tug of War

Men’s Work is a Tug of War

from the Lair of the Wildman If you had attended Elementary School or High School with me, you would immediately recognize me in this photograph – I am the one up front. In fact, I don’t think I was as cool as this kid. For me, those years in school were a nightmare. Sure, I was usually the last one picked for a team, I was clumsy and pudgy. We didn’t have much money and my mother made clothes for me that caused...

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The first stone

The first stone

from the Lair of the Wild Man When my eyes opened this morning, my head had been working for some time already. I woke with a late-night conversation poking at my sensibilities and weighing on my heart. A man I have known only briefly through social media has begun to interject divisive, strongly rhetorical conservative talking points to my posts. We disagree fiercely on core issues. When I sit with this kind of conflict, I see the...

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The Price of a Cubicle

The Price of a Cubicle

from the Lair of the Wild Man Some years ago now, I danced with a bawdy band of bough-brandishing brigands. We performed under the name General Hardware and danced Border Morris, an ancient English/Welsh men’s folk dance with sticks. There was a particular event that opened my eyes and this is that story. It comes back to me whenever men wonder about the nature of the Wild Man. The evening was a cold one in early November and we...

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Guest Post: A Blessing and a Challenge for the New Year

Guest Post: A Blessing and a Challenge for the New Year

Republished with permission from by Eivind Figenschau Skjellum (video greeting at the bottom) 2014 has been a year of enormous change and growth for me and most of the people I know and love. If you are someone who is in honest conversation with your life, I bet you’ve had the same experience. We are in many ways in over our heads, with lives full of activity. And while “activity” used to mean that...

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Symbols of Transformation – Talisman

Symbols of Transformation – Talisman

by Randy Marks Nine years ago, I joined the Mankind Project ( after completing the New Warrior Training Adventure (NWTA).  The Project changes the world by helping men heal and serve others, including their families, friends, and all humanity. The Talisman I received at that NWTA is probably my most valued possession.  It originally was just a red pouch on a leather cord.  Over the years, I added a lot of beads and other...

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BOYHOOD: Not Exactly a Film Review

BOYHOOD: Not Exactly a Film Review

GUEST POST: by Peter Clothier Originally published at the Buddha Diaries (for Luka, a bit later in his life) I woke this morning thinking about Barack Obama, and how perfectly he fits the model of manhood proposed by Rudyard Kipling in his unjustly maligned and frequently parodied poem “If.”  In case you don’t remember it, here’s how it starts out: If you can keep your head when all about you     Are losing theirs and blaming it on...

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