3 Reasons Leaders Should Never Fix Their People

3 Reasons Leaders Should Never Fix Their People

Daniel leads a team of twenty research scientist/leaders. In preparing to work with the team at their annual leadership conference, I spoke to Joanne, one of Daniel’s direct reports.  Joanne brought me up to speed with the team, their group dynamics, and the work that they do. One of the things Joanne shared was: One thing you should know that Daniel is a terrific leader.  However, he has a one particular sensitivity you should be...

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Why Leaders Shouldn’t Go the Extra Mile

Why Leaders Shouldn’t Go the Extra Mile

Guest post by Alain Hunkins My head was in a fog. I could barely move. All I wanted to do was sleep. This wasn’t my usual week. I was in the throes of a particularly brutish cold. And still- I had stuff to get done. All the momentum on my projects ground to a halt. I didn’t feel like doing anything. In fact, for two days, I couldn’t even think about thinking about anything. Then I remembered: The project team. Ugh. Just the week...

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This One Leadership Skill Will Send Your Credibility Soaring

This One Leadership Skill Will Send Your Credibility Soaring

Guest post by Alain Hunkins My twelve year old son, Alexander, just got braces on his teeth. In case you don’t remember or never had them, braces hurt the first few days. A lot. Alexander is a trooper, and knew that the pain in his mouth would eventually subside. But that first afternoon, he was extremely uncomfortable. Later that evening, around dinner time, the phone rang. It was his orthodontist, Dr. DeMaio. He was calling to see...

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How Attached Do You Get To Your Own Inventions?

How Attached Do You Get To Your Own Inventions?

Guest post by Alain Hunkins Mark has a dilemma on his hands. He’s just published a new eBook, and wants to use it on his landing page to build his email subscriber base. As a friend and colleague, Mark asked me to go to the website and download the eBook, and give him some feedback. The book content is great:  clear, concise, and relevant. The design of the book looks top-notch too. The download process needs some work.  It takes...

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The Surprising Skill Successful Coaches Share

The Surprising Skill Successful Coaches Share

Guest post from Alain Hunkins On Saturday, I got to be a guinea pig in an experiment on leadership, coaching, and motivation. I didn’t plan for this.  It just worked out that way. The laboratory? My local CrossFit gym. The experiment? A group workout, where were matched up to work in teams of two.  Saturday’s workout was a 5000 meter row on the rowing machine. It was set up so that each team member would row 500 meters, then we’d hop...

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