Poetry: The 16th Quartet: Yes! Yes! Yes!

Rob Grotke says: So simple and effortless, the way it is said,
from Papaji: “Being is always shining; I am is the light of being.
This Diamond cannot hide, and can never be hidden.
When there is no mind the face shines with
beauty and innocence.
Just simply be quiet. Just be who you are.”

Rob Grotke says: In keeping with the theme of your poems.
from Adyashanti: “Isn’t it time to stop loving and hating the mirages
of your virtual reality mind?
Time to slip like space
into the radiance of your bright and
Imageless face.
Let it kiss itself in recognition
of its own beauty
and you will spend the rest of your life
loving all the various ways you shine.”

Yes! Yes! Yes!

It is time to live the themes that stream
through the poetry that I have written.
But then, I am called again to bare my Soul…
by my brothers who are also baring souls
looking for Grace’s surcease to troubled minds…
And again to open our Hearts and be at Peace
in our Brains…

It is in there, in my Brain that my ego resides…
Like these three ‘…’ with which I intend to lengthen the
moment of contemplation that i believe (ego)
a thought needs for complete absorption…
So…for me…I am caught again by ego’s image
in my mirror rather than the radiance of an
empty mind…Rob and I wish to see in my eyes…

At this moment…my world sings to me, calls to
me in various harmonies, much cacophony and
much pain… My response is much in the moment.
And I am not in control of either its calling or my
responding…for this is my calling…and I can not deny it…

Qutbuddin Loren Ruh Smith

Qutbuddin Loren Ruh Smith: I’m 74 years old, born in Tacoma, WA and went to high school in Arcata, CA. I served in the US Army, met my first wife and had our first son in France. I started writing poetry in my first college English class in 1961. I’ve published a book called The Path to The Beloved and I have several books ready to publish. I lived in the Sierras in Grass Valley for 30 years before moving to Albuquerque, NM, last year. My book about fathers and sons called This Child and His Tree will be going to the publishers shortly.

– is a deeply personal issue that everyone decides for himself. Sometimes the price is high, sometimes low. But this is not very important for life. Life is an interesting thing. And the price on Viagra – too.



Author: Editor

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