San Diego Boys to Men conducts second father-son Rite of Passage Adventure

by George Selders

The San Diego Center of Boys To Men completed their second Father-Son Weekend this past April. Thirteen fathers attended the weekend, supporting fifteen boys as they participated in their Rite of Passage Adventure (ROPA).  In one case, two young brothers were fortunate to have both their father and their grandfather present for their initiatory entry into manhood. Another father was blessed to have two sons participate together in the ROPA weekend.

Boys attending a ROPA are exposed to an experiential training led by experienced facilitators and trained staff, providing a 2:1 ratio of men to boys. During the weekend, boys are challenged and supported through a series of carefully facilitated activities designed for them to touch their feelings in a safe environment.

The Father-Son Weekend setting creates an increased level of opportunity for a boy to speak directly to his father, telling him exactly what he needs from his dad for the boy to become the man he wants to be.  The photographs accompanying this article were taken at the graduation ceremony.

All boys attending a Rite of Passage Adventure Weekend are provided the opportunity to look at who they are now, who they want to be and to choose the man he will become.

BTM-logoBoys to Men operates with a vision of building communities of men who teach, support, mentor, encourage and support boys to become better men. The Boys to Men Mentoring Network has recently added centers in Germany and  Switzerland, creating a total of 28 centers operating in four countries.

For additional information on mentoring, staffing or attending a Rite of Passage Adventure Weekend near you, contact Craig McClain, Executive Director for Boys To Men, at 619-469-9599 or at

GeorgeSelders George Selders is the chief operating officer of the Boys To Men Mentoring Network headquartered in San Diego. He is the former owner and CEO of national newspaper syndicate and a graduate of the University of Kansas William Allen White School of Journalism. Selders enjoys reading, writing, photography, genealogy, and volunteering He and his wife, Bebe, have four adult children. They live in Carlsbad, CA.

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Author: Editor

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