Editorial Board
The Editorial Board of the ManKind Project Journal: Publishing content for, from, and about men.
We consider all pieces related to men and their world; seeking articles, poems, video and other submissions which help men become better men. Board members assist the Journal with contributions, editing and feedback on the site’s content. If you would like to be considered for an Editorial Board Position – please send an email to the editor.

Boysen Hodgson is the Editor of the ManKind Project Journal and the Marketing and Communications Director for the ManKind Project USA. Boysen graduated cum laude with a BA in English Lit. and completed 2 years of Design coursework at Cornell University. He’s a father and a dedicated husband. Boysen completed the New Warrior Training Adventure in 2004.
Chris Meares

Richard Wiener – A New Warrior since 1994, Richard is head elder of the Greater Washington community. He is a child survivor of the Holocaust, and speaks widely on the subject of reconciliation and forgiveness among both individuals and nations. Richard’s poetry collection, Sense of Time, was published in 2010, and he is currently completing his biography. Several years ago, he established the MKP Diversity Fund, which subsidizes the training fees of African American, Latino and Native American men.

Steve Harper attended Yale as an undergrad, the A.R.T. at Harvard for acting school and studied playwriting at Juilliard. He has been doing personal creativity coaching since 2008 and has studied extensively with Eric Maisel and The Creativity Coaching Association. Harper is a professional actor and writer with a passion and commitment for coaching artists who want to pursue their creative work while keeping a healthy balance between their professional and personal lives. Steve completed the New Warrior Training Adventure in 2005. Visit his blog: http://www.yourcreativelife.com/

Rick Belden is the author of Iron Man Family Outing: Poems about Transition into a More Conscious Manhood. His book is widely used in the United States and internationally by therapists, counselors, and men’s groups as an aid in the exploration of masculine psychology and men’s issues, and as a resource for men who grew up in dysfunctional, abusive, or neglectful family systems. His website is Rick Belden He lives in Austin, Texas.
More information, including excerpts from Rick’s books, is available at his website. His first book, “Iron Man Family Outing,” is available here.

Jeff Altman, The Big Game Hunter, has been a professional recruiter since 1971. Jeff completed the New Warrior Training Adventure in August ’91 at Haimoods, Wisconsin. He has written and published 20 different ebooks and guides about job search, publishes a weekly ezine, “No B.S. Job Search Advice Ezine,” and hosts an online radio show, “No B.S. Job Search Advice Radio” Mondays at 9 AM Eastern on BlogTalkRadio.com. To receive a complimentary subscription to his ezine, subscribe at www.JeffAltman.com.

David Kaiser, PhD, ACC, is an Executive Coach who helps C-level leaders at consulting firms and creative agencies to 1) better control their time, priorities, and stress; and 2) discover and embrace their life’s mission and purpose in order to become more effective and more fulfilled. David completed the New Warrior Training Adventure in June 2004 at Camp Tu-Endie-Wei in the Chicago Community. You can learn more about David Kaiser at his web site: Dark Matter Consulting

Stephen Stern, DC, graduated with honors from Life Chiropractic College in 1983. A new warrior for over 15 years, a former Center Director, he is presently an active elder in MKP New England. He serves as a volunteer and on the Board of Directors for the Jericho Circle Project, which brings men’s work to prisons. As a doctor of Chiropractic, he honors the innate intelligence (inborn wisdom) within each individual by offering a healing spirit and gentle touch. Focusing on family and wellness care, he encourages everyone to find their passion and Truth. His background includes weight training, kettlebell, running, martial arts, yoga, meditation, macrobiotic, vegan, and paleo/primal approach to nutrition and lifestyle. His professional memberships include Association for Network Care and Massachusetts Alliance for Chiropractic Philosophy. Dr. Stern has been married for 32 years with one daughter.

While completing my Doctoral training at The American University, I was continuously and intensely involved in learning about and practicing psychotherapy. I was and am very interested in how a therapist thinks and develops, and served as a teaching assistant in graduate level clinical classes. Also, my Master’s thesis and Doctoral dissertation research studied the attitudes that therapists carry and how they change as they gain professional experience. After completing my Ph.D., I trained in a Post-Doctoral Fellowship at the Sheppard Pratt Hospital in Towson, MD, with intensive training in working with inpatients and outpatients presenting depressive disorders, psychotic disorders, eating disorders, anxiety disorders, and disorders relating to early and recent trauma.
In the 21 years that I have been in practice, I have been involved in advanced training programs and institutes to make sure my skills and knowledge were always up to date and as broad and as deep as possible. I have trained in Post-Doctoral Institutes in Couples Therapy and in Treating Trauma Survivors and Their Families, in specialized programs in Intensive Short-Term Dynamic Psychotherapy, Imago Relationship Therapy, and Clinical Hypnosis, and I have attended numerous workshops in areas such as Assessment and Intervention with the Suicidal Patient, Patterns of Addictive Behavior, and workshops for Straight Therapists working with Gay, Bi, and Lesbian Clients.

Alain Hunkins leads personal and professional development trainings for individuals, teams and organizations. Over the last two decades, Alain has facilitated for over a thousand groups, ranging from at-risk youth to Fortune 500 executives. He moves between the educational, artistic, not-for-profit, government and corporate worlds. His corporate clients span nearly every industry. Companies include: Reckitt-Benckiser, Microsoft, Coca-Cola, Pfizer, Citigroup, United Technologies and Coach. Alain is currently Senior Facilitator & Vice President, Business Development for Eagle’s Flight. His work has taken him to nearly every state in the USA, as well as Canada, Mexico, Costa Rica, Belgium, Britain, Ireland, Spain, Egypt, France, Italy, Switzerland, Hungary, South Africa, and Taiwan. Alain sharpened his facilitation skills as an Educational Consultant in New York City, developing programs on many subjects, including Conflict Resolution, Networking, Customer Service, Communication, and Leadership.
Alain earned a Bachelor of Arts degree from Amherst College and his Masters of Fine Arts from the University of Wisconsin/Milwaukee Professional Theater Training Program. He is a certified Leadership Challenge & MBTI facilitator, as well as a certified co-leader for ManKind Project International, whose mission is to help men lead missions of service in their families, communities, and workplaces. A native of Queens, NY, Alain calls the Pioneer Valley of Western Massachusetts home, where he faces his greatest leadership challenge yet: raising his young children, Alexander & Miranda. Alain completed the New Warrior Training Adventure in 1995. Find Alain at http://www.pioneerleadership.com/