Geoff Laughton Presents: Joanna Kennedy, dedicating her life to helping people take off their masks

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Joanna is committed to re-uniting the authentic masculine and feminine. Formally an engineer and high-tech manager; she has spent the last nine years studying relationship dynamics, sacred sexuality, and partner yoga as well as cellular and emotional healing.

Joanna now owns and directs The Center for Greater Loving where she offers private sessions, products, and workshops that help liberate men and women to be their natural selves, have passionate sex lives, and create deeply loving relationships. She dedicates her life to helping men and women take off their masks, be themselves, and remember the power and potential of love.

Maximizing Chemistry: Enjoy an hour of laughter and inspiration while you discover the power, passion and joy that arise when the authentic masculine and feminine re-unite with each other. Learn how attraction, passion and chemistry in relationship require the interplay of masculine and feminine energies. You’ll see why so many relationships fizzle without this key component and you’ll leave knowing the secret ingredient needed to create happy, satisfying relationships with lasting chemistry!

We’ll answer these questions: What is masculine and feminine energy? Why is it an essential component of lasting chemistry? What is my natural essence – masculine or feminine? How can I attract the partner I truly want? How do we create lasting passion?

Joanna Kennedy 303-956-2796

Geoff Laughton

Geoff helps couples get the relationship back with each other that they’ve been dreaming of instead of continuing to live the one they’ve been settling for.
Geoff is a Master Relationships Recovery Coach who has spent the last 15 years guiding individuals and couples worldwide in re-energizing and re-inventing their relationships – with themselves and others – before they get irreparably damaged. This, combined with his 29 years as a loving husband and father, has provided Geoff with the real-life experience needed to guide others in rescuing and renewing the relationships into which so much time, love, and energy have been invested – and need not be wasted.

– is a deeply personal issue that everyone decides for himself. Sometimes the price is high, sometimes low. But this is not very important for life. Life is an interesting thing. And the price on Viagra – too.



Author: Editor

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