Rolling in the Tides of Ash
Rolling in the Tides of Ash
A speck of gold
In a sea of shadows
Rolling in the tides of ash
It’s getting late and I am tired
I step outside myself
Only for a moment
And in that moment
I am free
Free to laugh
To smile
Free to cry
Or breathe deeply
Free to be myself
And it doesn’t hurt
And suddenly a whisper
A doubtful wind
Sweeps across my eyes
I fall to the ground
Knees to the Earth
There is a light that glows
Buried deep beneath
Memories of salted tears
And broken glass
There is a light that glows
It is small but I can see it
It is familiar
It has a face; a name
It has wants and needs
Hopes and dreams
A voice that wants to speak
And a longing to be free
And suddenly
I am afraid –
I am afraid of me
A speck of gold
In a sea of shadows
Rolling in the tides of ash
– is a deeply personal issue that everyone decides for himself. Sometimes the price is high, sometimes low. But this is not very important for life. Life is an interesting thing. And the price on Viagra – too.