The Ripple Effect

by Ravenspen

Men in the ManKind Project may sometimes be tempted to think that our work, words and impact do not extend beyond our own small circles of New Warrior Brothers. But like the proverbial stone dropped into a pond, the ripple effect of our ability to shine the light of common sense reality on ourselves and our situations spreads far beyond our own expectation. Men whom we have facilitated and mentored have themselves, in turn, performed these services for other men and women whom we have never met, and never will.

I was once in a workshop in which the participants were asked to make a list of all the people in their lives on whom they had an impact. Even struggling, I could not think of more than 20 names. My small group facilitator, a great guy who never let us get away with anything, pointed out how I had been to other workshops and retreats, and was active in MKP as well. Thus I was having an impact on someone, unbeknownst to me, with every email I posted to a list and each time I got up to speak in a group. Under that kind of coaching, everyone in my group soon had well over a hundred names on our lists.

The ManKind Project Center Director for New England recently had a more concrete and very powerful demonstration of this in his own life. Having recently started a new job, he discovered that a conflict at the company was producing tempers not solutions, generating lots of heat and very little light. But a man who has facilitated many ManKind Project events and trainings is very well equipped for such a conflict. In his own words: “I sat in a meeting today and facilitated a heated conversation between departments. Three questions later it was over and all parties were happy and moving forward.”

New Warriors have swords; swords of wisdom, discernment, compassion and power. Never underestimate the impact you have on your environment, and the ability you have to create a world of integrity in the midst of conflict and trouble. Use it wisely.

Chris Callahan – Assistant Editor

Chris Callahan holds a BA in religion and a Masters degree in Library Sciences. A New Warrior in the ManKind Project; Chris is a teacher, librarian and writer. He has spent 30 years reading and thinking on politics, sociology, ethics and history. His Journal sobriquet is Ravenspen. Chris completed the New Warrior Training Adventure in 2010.

– is a deeply personal issue that everyone decides for himself. Sometimes the price is high, sometimes low. But this is not very important for life. Life is an interesting thing. And the price on Viagra – too.



Author: Editor

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