Getting the Most from Joint Mobility Movements

Dr. Stephen Stern is the MKP Journal Health and Fitness Editor – “the Wilder Elder”

Learning proper technique, along with consistent actions, will produce the greatest results. Please read the following to learn and connect with what you can do – for YOURSELF – to get the most benefit(s) by performing joint mobility movements.

When a joint in the body is compromised and is unable to move through its
full range of motion, surrounding soft tissue and other joints pick up the slack.
This creates stress and tension in the body and mind.

Active or sedentary lifestyles can result in a reduced range of joint motion.
No matter the state of a person’s ‘joint health’, via consistent effort, joint integrity
can be improved.

Performing gentle, safe mobility movements provides many benefits:

– stimulates and circulates synovial fluid in the bursa, which ‘washes’ the joint
– promotes recovery and healing from accumulative joint ‘stress & tension’
– restores freedom of motion and pliability
– creates greater adaptability, thus making one less prone to injuries
– re energizes and recharges the body
– feels great!

Included in this post are YouTube video’s of Scott Sonnon, who is the developer
of Intu-Flow, one of the most effective ways to improve joint integrity.

There are Beginner and Intermediate video’s whereby he explains
and shows how to perform the movements.

Below each link is a description of what is covered in that video.
It is recommended that you first view the Intro videos (Beginner Part 1 & 2)
so that you clearly understand the intention, mechanics, and benefits
of performing these movements. The 10 Principles/Rules are explained.

It’s suggested that you work sequentially through the videos.
Once you understand the movements, feel free to adapt them to your own needs,
and focus on whatever part of your body ‘calls’ for attention.

You may find some of these movements difficult to do.
Make sure you use good technique and go at your own pace.
Listen to how the movements are explained.
Be safe, and don’t go beyond your capabilities.

Do not look at these movements as ‘working out’.
Rather, embrace the time spent as nourishing your joints.
Much like eating good food builds a healthier body…
these movements provide a gentle and effective way to
strengthen and build healthier and more adaptable joints.

First thing in the morning works well for some people.
However, they are also good to do during the day or evening,
to break up stress and tension that accumulates in the body (and mind).
Be consistent and eventually it will become part of your regular routine.

These movements are good to do as a warm-up before exercising…
a cool down after a workout… for active recovery on you non-workout days…
or as a recharge/stress reducer.

Have fun. Do what enlivens your body and forget the rest.
If you have any questions, contact me.


Dr. Stephen Stern
14 Ross Avenue
Millis, MA 02054

You must be online to view the following videos:

Scott Sonnon Intuflow Joint Mobility Beginner Part 1
Intro… intention, mechanics and benefits
10 Principles

Scott Sonnon Intuflow Joint Mobility Beginner Part 2
Intro continued

Scott Sonnon Intuflow Joint Mobility Beginner Part 3
Neck / Shoulders / Elbows / Wrists

Scott Sonnon Intuflow Joint Mobility Beginner Part 4
Arms / Fingers / Thorax / Pelvic Lumbars / Spine

Scott Sonnon Intuflow Joint Mobility Beginner Part 5
Hips / Knees / Ankles / 4 Corner Balance Drill

Scott Sonnon Intuflow Joint Mobility Beginner Part 6
Spinal Rocks / Quad Hops / Breathing Squats
Lateral Arm Waves / Dropping Arm Waves / Spinal Waves

Scott Sonnon Intuflow Joint Mobility Intermediate Part 1
Neck / Shoulder Rolls / Shoulder Swings / Elbows

Scott Sonnon Intuflow Joint Mobility Intermediate Part 2
Wrists / Arms / Fingers / Thorax / Pelvic Lumbars

Scott Sonnon Intuflow Joint Mobility Intermediate Part 3
Spine / Hips / Knees / Ankles

Scott Sonnon Intuflow Joint Mobility Intermediate Part 4
4 Corner Balance Drill / Spinal Rocks / Quad Hops / Breathing Squats / Lateral Arm Waves / Spinal Waves

Stephen Stern, DC, graduated with honors from Life Chiropractic College in 1983. A new warrior for over 15 years, a former Center Director, he is presently an active elder in MKP New England. He serves as a volunteer and on the Board of Directors for the Jericho Circle Project, which brings men’s work to prisons. As a doctor of Chiropractic, he honors the innate intelligence (inborn wisdom) within each individual by offering a healing spirit and gentle touch. Focusing on family and wellness care, he encourages everyone to find their passion and Truth. His background includes weight training, kettlebell, running, martial arts, yoga, meditation, macrobiotic, vegan, and paleo/primal approach to nutrition and lifestyle. His professional memberships include Association for Network Care and Massachusetts Alliance for Chiropractic Philosophy. Dr. Stern has been married for 32 years with one daughter.

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Author: Editor

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